Saturday, August 29, 2009

Completely lost..

I'm trying to add a "currently reading" widget and maybe some others to my blog but what I just tried didn't work. Anyone have any suggestions for a good website that has info on it like this? I went to widgetbox, added the goodreads currently reading widget and then I had a list of some guys books on my blog. I didn't see any way to add the widget with my books. I guess I could join goodreads again, but I would think amazon would have something like that available? Geez...I feel sooooo old.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Where to begin?

Well let's start with when I heard God talking to me. Heh, why not?!

They say ( you know "they") that a lot of people "find" God in their darkest hour. I'm no different from that assertion. Indeed I had been and still was in my darkest hour. I was living in so much numbed anxiety about my situation in life that I'd finally decided to just stop my running around and trying to go on as if my life was fine. I just stopped. I made my daughter my focus. My life got very very quiet. And that's when I heard Him. What He said is not important. What's important is that I knew it was Him.

Now, I assure you, as a psychology major and avid Atheist of sixteen years, I still to this day have the knee-jerk reaction that I'm just having a psychotic episode and hearing voices. When I read things out of the bible my scientific and analytical mind kicks in and I think...come on! But God shows me something almost everyday that is miraculous to just believing in Him and the sacrifice of Jesus for me I have been transformed. There are no words to describe my life before and after accept maybe miraculous...but it's really a feeling not to be described but felt.

I still have a hard time talking about my transformation with my older friends and family that know of my past. I still have a hard time talking about it period because the words just don't exist.

I am at the beginning of my journey as a Christ Follower so some things I post here will probably need guidance from other more seasoned Christians. Please forgive me in advance for my ignorance on some things....I am learning new things everyday. One of my biggest struggles is to understand why Christians can be judgmental and rude, so I got the book by Beth Moore , Why Godly People do Ungodly Things. I'm not sure if this addresses etiquette but we'll see! I have been profoundly impacted by my experience and it has taken almost all my negativity out of me...this is why I don't understand other Christians, who have been Christians for so long, that can be so so negative. It boggles my wee brain.